Matthew’s story
I run my own business called Human Nutrition & Lifestyle. I’ve always been into sports sciences from an early age, and always been focused on nutrition for performance & health.
I qualified as a classical nutritionist where I learnt that people should eat carbs, grains & cereals as the base to their diet. However since then I have gained further qualifications in biochemistry and human metabolic anatomy. These further studies, alongside research & experimentation, lead me to thinking more about metabolic pathways like ketogenesis & gluconeogenesis within humans and why they should and can be our main metabolic systems for health.
I experimented on myself for several years whilst also being a keen sportsman, making some right & sometimes wrong choices.
Running, cycling, swimming and in the gym were and still are where I enjoy my free time. I’m now the wrong side of 40, but never been fitter, healthier & stronger.
Along the way I found a more ketogenic nutrition lead me to hit PBs and goals within my sports that I hadn’t seen before. Not to mention I also felt great. My keto way of eating soon became predominantly a carnivore nutrition as:
1. I enjoyed eating meat, eggs and cheese more than veg & fruit.
2. I gained more energy on these foods.
3. I never seem to get injured anymore & recover quickly.
4. These foods are more nutritious and are digested better (in a chemical sense) by our human bodies.
And 5. My overall sport’s performance is better & stronger
I now coach beginners & athletes on how to best atain this kind of lifestyle for health and also for performance. I educate as many people as I can on the benefits of keto and carnivore nutrition choices and pass on my gained knowledge & experience through consultations and nutrition plans.
Nobody is perfect and we are all constantly learning, so my usual sign off to everybody I work with is:
“Be better tomorrow than you were today and in a months time you won’t even recognise yesterday”
Visit to learn more from my podcasts, YouTube, recipes, social media links, info & plans.
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